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  As the information of the development, hotel services and standards of the international market has become the trend of the times. The hotel industry to meet this challenge, we will have to improve overall competitiveness, reform the hotel management, enhance the management level. Implementation of information technology is to achieve this purpose and the only way to a wise move. At present, China's hotel services in the information management process has been slow, with foreign hotel management is still backward compared. The fierce competition in the hotel industry, how to seize the opportunity to maintain their advantage invincible? This makes it necessary to provide the best service to provide the best possible facilities and the most advanced technology. In the information age, is more important is also in need of a comprehensive management information system, Guests facilitate convenience and better management of the hotel. In particular, in recent years the computer in our rapid development, more and more industries are involved in this emerging field. and the hotel management because their customers should quickly and closely linked to the characteristics More should be riding this spring to open a new hotel management one. more hotel management with international practices and the rapid development of the hotel has laid a good foundation for software. The sky spring hotel management system, it can borrow the computer information superiority, convenient and quick realization of the customers and managers pay households, Managers at the first convenient time to understand the needs of customers in a timely manner of response measures, so that they could operate in an increasingly competitive hotel services industry to gain an edge!

Faced with the fierce market competition and the complex business needs, modern hotel industry must be managed through the hotel computer management system help to complete the day-to-day management, special services, and other business. Introduction of the hotel computer management system for day-to-day operations of the guesthouse for scientific and modern management. Hotels improve image quality and standard of service the powerful means of expression. Hotels to strengthen internal management, improve service quality and reduce errors in the work, prevent leakage single run only to provide a reliable technical means and technical support
Information management of the hotel is undoubtedly the most important resources, it will become a valuable resource aroused widespread concern. How to provide access to information managers In highly developed today, the hotel business involved in every JSPect of our work is no longer just the traditional accommodation, clearing business, but a more extensive service industries. from the customer marketing is registered guests stay until the final checkout billing, The whole process should be able to realize the guests of the center to provide fast, convenient service To the guests a feeling of supremacy, improve hotel management level, in the shortest period of time hotel business regulating the operation of gas. The hotel industry to the fierce contest for customers, raise the full rate hotels. To the manager to formulate the right marketing strategy for the reliable basis, especially in the preservation of data, data exchange, etc. rapid and reliable. How the sky spring hotel managers from their heavy work to extricate themselves?

Therefore, the development of the sky spring hotel management system, The system is to use SQL SERVER 2005 database system and Visual C #. NET procedure Development and implementation of the language. ¡°the sky spring hotel management system"Including user login, system management, data maintenance, and operation of the futureOperation of the four modules Is a simple, friendly interface, good flexibility, the system safe and stable operation, and other features, the hotel manager is the ideal choice. Information of the arrival of the era become an irresistible trend and the civilization of mankind is entering a new era. Therefore, the sky spring hotel management system is also a convenient, fast, low-cost advantages are slowly entering the life of its people, traditional hotel management methods to extricate themselves thoroughly, improve efficiency, reduce workers the previous peak, reduce the probability of error, so that the staff can spend more time in choosing how to improve the quality of services. So that the management has more time to obtain information, the use of information, access to information

According to the sky spring hotel of the actual situation and the hotel conventional mode of operation, hotel management system standard version includes prospects background, etc., through the strong support of the network environment, the realization of various functional departments of the hotel's comprehensive unified management, Real-time access to detailed information hotel operators to provide an accurate analysis of the operation, effective cost control, completed deployment of personnel optimization. It also provides a powerful interface function can be flexible with the hotel special environmental requirements, create a personalized hotel characteristics, ultimately make the hotel management and profit reached double Gain.

With of the sky spring hotel business volume expansion, management of these huge system is very difficult. This is because hotel, the situation is always changing, it is necessary for hotel developments in the management, This for a management staff is a relatively complicated issue, storage, query, Aggregate performance as a manager provide a reliable basis for decision-making is essential to the business.
In order to allow administrators from the laborious task of extricating themselves. enable administrators in the use of a software is very easy to be able to right all the rooms, guests management, and accuracy. English. Therefore the development of a the skey spring hotel management system software is a priority, as well as topics of this paper significance and research purposes.
the sky spring hotel management system data maintenance the sky spring all part of the management system the most important part, data maintenance system will be similar customer management, link management Rooms, and data maintenance system for processing the data of many types, large quantities, fine and frequent, and thus need system should have a better defense testing the wrong function, The whole process to the customers feel the enjoyment of a warm, improve hotel management level, simplification of the complex operation, in the most reasonable within the shortest possible time to complete the hotel business standardizing operations, in order to enable customers to comfort, thereby increasing On Repeat Customers. According to the operating system and high-quality information feedback, efficient management system for the circulation of all functional departments.
Because time is so short and I is limited, and inappropriate about inevitable, teachers criticized correction£¨Ó¢ÎÄ·­ÒëÓгöÈ룬Çë×ÔÐÐУ¶Ô£©

Keyword:new ,search,delete,clear, Clearing
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Abstract IV
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